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芯测科技(上海芯复瑞)是技术领先的EDA工具与IP供应商。基于核心价值EIS(效率、創新及服務)设计出高执行效率的产品与创新的专利化架构,并在专业即时的技术服务上提供客户最佳的内存测试与修复解决方案。透过核心价值EIS,让芯测的产品具有优化的核心竞争力APA(ALGORITHM, PERFORMANCE, AREA),使产品具有多元丰富的内存测试算法,并基于创新的专利化架构产生出高效率的内存修复技术及精简的电路面积。

As a part of the EDA industry, iSTART-TEK specializes in customized EDA tools and IPs (Intellectual Property). Moreover, we provide customers with the optimal memory testing and repair solutions.

Upholding our core values of EIS (Efficiency, Innovation and Service), our core competencies are derived from APA (Algorithm, Performance and Area), which includes a wide range of memory testing algorithms, high memory repair performance, and streamlined circuit areas.

京禾展览@京尚国际会展有限公司@ 京ICP备10038152号-12